I have insecurities. Anybody else? Well, I was watching a stupid science-fiction show during which a demon was feeding on everyone's fears and insecurities. It made things so clear. I mean, when I get all paranoid about a blemmish, let's be honest, a zit on my face or my unwashed hair or my more-than-a-few-pounds change since last year, what good can I possibly do? How can I help others, encourage others, be at service to others when I'm not even THINKING of others?!
It's important for me to fight the insecurities, sometimes minute by minute. Prayer of course is the best defense. Also, loving myself. There's a concept. Who doesn't want to be loved? I do. I want to be loved...so shouldn't I learn how that works first? When I look in the mirror, I have the choice of two responses: "Gross." or, "Hey, Gorgeous." That simple. And, I won't always agree with myself but it doesn't matter because that part of the brain that hears everything and believes it will hear and believe!
The next step is to step outside of myself for five seconds. Wow. So un-American!! Thinking, "What should I wear today? I wonder if this makes me look fat. Is that spot on my nose noticeable? I wonder if anybody thought what I said last night was stupid. I know that woman was judging me. That girl looked at my outfit in a weird way." This will gain us NO PRODUCTIVITY!!!! It's like a huge road block! Try this. Think, "What do I need to get done today....houswework...so, I'd better dress cool and comfortable. I need to call and check on Suzie and be sure she's feeling okay. And I wonder if that chicken completely thawed...I should make an extra casserole to be ready for any craziness. I hope I can write that encouragement card and get it out to the mailbox before the mailman comes. Oh, and didn't the boys want me to wash their red shirts? I'd better get moving!" Do you SEE the productivity in this scenario? Did any of that have anything to do with holy-cow-look-at-my-hair?
Let's take a different look. Let's say our insecurities have beaten us down to the point that we don't even care about surface anymore. We look in the mirror and say, "What are you lookin' at? It doean't matter what you wear, you're not going to get anything done today. Might as well stay in your pajamas and go sit in the living room until something forces you up." People, I've been here. I can show you the rearend-print on my living room chair. It's hard to climb out of this one. It's literally a step by step process to productivity. But here's where the 20-minute-strategy comes into play. Get out of bed.
Get something yummy...I drink an energy drink called Spark, you might grab some coffee, I know those who drink a soda...whatever it is, get it! While you're drinking this wake-up beverage, go through your day in your mind. "I don't have any appointments today. I should probably do a load of laundry." STOP THERE! You have your to-do list! So, when the beverage is gone-gone, get up and walk to your bedroom. If you feel like taking a shower, go for it. If not, don't...and don't feel bad about it. Look at the clock. Work for 20 minutes. Laundry...then, because you will probably have time leftover, just move to a room and straighten. As soon as the 20 minutes is up, stop! For 20 minutes, do whatever you want. And so on and so on. If you find yourself overwhelmed and don't know where to start, use your first working 20 minutes to make a list. But remember...you're the boss of the list, it is NOT the boss of you!
Insecurities. They rise at such inopportune moments. Have any of the following ever happened to you?
Talking to someone you think is smart and you say something so stupid.
Trying to look sexy for your husband (wife, boyfriend, whatever) and you fart.
Telling your kids to be careful and you turn around and knock something over.
Spend the day cleaning and doing laundry and feeling so productive and then your husband asks for the ONE thing that you DIDN'T wash.
Go to visit the in-laws and find you've forgotten to pack your children's socks and underwear (or coat in the dead of winter).
Set up professional family pictures and your hair won't cooperate.
Sit in the front row at church and your kid is the one who won't stop yelling.
Be visiting with someone when your child comes up and asks, "Mama, remember when you pooped in your panties that one time?"
These things will happen. And they will happen again. Stopping these things from happening is NOT the goal. Deciding right now how you will respond is where you gain the upper hand. Sticking your foot in your mouth is going to happen...so what will you do? How will you handle it that doesn't scream, "I'M A NUT JOB!!!" You WILL get up to the check-out with 20 people in line behind you and find you don't have your wallet. How will you handle it without crumpling to the floor or sitting in your car crying?
I'm rambling. I realize this. This post is for me and me alone. I've blogged for 20 minutes...time for me to get up and take a shower. It's on my list.
Girl -- love you for being so real. Seriously. Keep writing. I'm still reading. Every time. :-)
And I am here. HERE. when you start your classes and need some help navigating the whole back-to-school thing. Bern there, done that. Bought enough tshirts to make a quilt. :-)
Much love!!!
Thanks, Lisa!!! :) I will probably be whiling away many hours in the old library. :)
You go, Kim! You're doing great. Keep up the good work. I'm proud of you!!
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