Friday, June 21, 2013

Watch Out!

Hello, Dear Friends.  Today's view into Mommy Land has us battling the censors.  TV-7, TV-PG, TV-7-FV...what does it mean?!  What does it mean for our children? 

I grew up watching Super Friends, Smurfs, etc...

I was none the worse for it, but they weren't really educational.  I mean, yes, I received a moral lesson about being kind to others and good wins over evil and anvils fall on bad guys' heads, but no math or English or science.  Still, I never dreamed that one day, I'd have to sift through cartoons to see what was appropriate or not for my children.  "Cartoons" should be 'nough said.  It's a's safe, right?  Not anymore!  Good grief.

On the other hand, we have much more educational shows now so watching the old picture-box isn't as mind-numbing as it was when I was a child.  This is great news for those of us busy moms who feel guilty sitting the child in front of the television so we can get something done! 
But how do we know?!  Sometimes, there's yuckiness in the middle of the innocent.  For example, we were watching Power Puff Girls the other night and there was a flash of a naked man on there.  Granted, it was a behind-view, but gross.  It was intended to be funny, but where do you draw the line?  Is it really funny to see a naked man?  No.  Not to just pick on the Power Puff Girls, but the very next episode shows a grown woman (amply built) giving romance advice to the girls and using her hands to emphasize her breasts in telling them to "use what they have" to get what they want.  Really?  This is what it's come to?  Bring back the anvils on heads please!
There was a moment where Mark and I looked at each other and raised an eyebrow.  When the show was over, we sent the kids to play and talked about it.  We decided that, although our kids probably didn't even pick up on it, we didn't want them watching it anymore.  Too harsh?  Well, here's the question that decided it for us, "Would we invite Jesus to sit and watch this with us?"  Um...nope.
Now, being a grown-up (for the most part), I enjoy mysteries...creepy, dark, horrifying, and thrilling.  I like them.  They are often inappropriate.  Please do not think that I only censor for my children and not for myself.  I've done a "house-cleaning" job with my selections lately and at first was quite discouraged.  I thought, "I love mysteries!  How can I enjoy them WITHOUT the dark-ick?!"  They're out there.  There are some really entertaining shows and books that capture my intellect without harming my spirit.
I challenge you to become what I've been teasingly called by my mama-friends...a "T.V. Nazi".  I wear that banner proudly and feel no guilt in telling my kids no to watching things "all their friends" are watching.  The peace you feel is wonderful.  The message you send your children is this, "I value your soul more than your friendship.  You do not have to like me, but in obeying me, you will find a smoother road to purity."  I love my kids enough to deny them certain things.  I know you do too!

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The Fabulous Five

The Fabulous Five
We strive to make memories that will always lead us into the Light