Sunday, January 5, 2014

Short Sermon. :)

How many of you went to bed last night (Saturday) with the commitment of going to church?  How many of you followed through with it this morning?  If you did, GREAT JOB!!  If you didn't, THERE'S STILL TIME!!  And while you wait for the next church time to roll around, don't beat yourself up.  God is not as hard on you as you are on yourself!  And just because you missed service this morning doesn't make you a bad Christian.
Now, let's talk about how many you've missed.  Two Sundays?  Twenty?  Couple of years since you've been in a church pew?  Guess what...still not too late.  Go.  Just make yourself go ten times in a row (if at all possible) and then tell me how you feel.  Go ahead...start this evening!
You are LOVED!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this post for several reasons. One is your way of upholding the importance of worship, encouraging people to get involved, and yet doing in a nonjudgmental manner. Good job!

Hope your family is doing well. Don't know when we'll get back to the University next. Our youngest daughter is in her last semester right now. Ah, changes.

The Fabulous Five

The Fabulous Five
We strive to make memories that will always lead us into the Light