Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Chapter 2 (Part 1)

Since my mother told me to post more today, here's the first part of Chapter Two. :)

                Fiona knocked again.  The old door looked like it couldn't take much more knocking before falling in.  She tried the rusty doorknob and found it to be unlocked.  She walked into the musty room and let her eyes adjust to the darkness.  A shadow moved in the far corner.  A rat?  Fiona instinctively reached for her phone to use as a flashlight but remembered too late that she was still wearing her bridesmaid's gown.  Without pockets.  She didn't have anything on her at all.  Not a light and certainly not a weapon, should she need one.  She'd give anything to take back the promise she'd made Philip.  "I'll search every corner of the woods while you're searching the village."  Why?  Why hadn't she opted to search the village?  And why did Philip so readily agree to let her wander about alone in a strange area?
                Fiona was angry.  She was angry at Brady for catching Philip.  She was angry at Philip for being caught.  She was angry at Brady for convincing Philip to hold their wedding in this middle-of-nowhere English village just because she'd read about it in some book.  She drew upon her anger to cover her fear and stepped forward into the semi-darkness.  Whatever was moving in the corner stopped for a moment and then began moving again but this time slower.  It was rising.  Somewhere in Fiona's brain she registered that the creature was human.  There was a strange human rising and coming toward her., and she couldn't make herself breath, much less run.  "Oh, God!  Help!"  She silently prayed the urgent prayer of the panicked and then stood, waiting for the worst.

                The stranger came closer.  He raised his arm in the air and Fiona clenched her eyes shut.  "Make it quick, Lord, please," she begged silently.  She heard a click.  She waited.  Nothing.  Slowly, she opened her eyes.  It was bright.  He'd been reaching for the chain above and turned the light on.  That's all.  No danger.  She almost laughed out loud, but caught herself as the light hit a gleam off the pistol in his left hand.  "Crud," she said.

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The Fabulous Five

The Fabulous Five
We strive to make memories that will always lead us into the Light