Monday, November 4, 2013

Mama Me-Uh...

Being a mom.  This is something I've wanted ever since I can remember.  I knew that being a mom meant hard work.  I knew there would be worrisome times and challenges.  But I didn't have a clue as to the details.  I'm starting to learn now...

Being a mom means determining between and the importance of...
a hurt/emergency cry and a playing/no worries cry.
too dirty to go to bed without a bath and we'll-scrub-you-in-the-morning
what constitutes a spanking offense versus a good talking to (versus a let-it-slide)
what Daddy needs to know.  ;)
when a situation calls for a trip to Sonic for ice cream
how to be tough when your heart is breaking inside
when to let it be worn, even though it's been worn twice already without being washed
praying with, for, and over the child
pushing through exhaustion you never knew existed
allowing credit to always go to the child, even though YOU'RE the one who REALLY did it
controlling the unbelievably strong urge to lash out in anger
when to laugh it off and when to settle down
knowing that there will eventually come a day when you can go to the bathroom by yourself again
letting your child cry in the middle of the super market with everyone staring at you because it's more important for the child to get it out of their system than to hush them for others' comfort.
the difference between grace and consequences
realizing that consistency with discipline is so much harder for you than for the child
continuing through illness, anger, hurt, and fear
love always.

It is my greatest honor to be a mom.  I do not do it well and on occasion do it miserably.  But that's the most important lesson of all.  I am the only mom they have.  I can only be the best mom I can be from day to day.

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The Fabulous Five

The Fabulous Five
We strive to make memories that will always lead us into the Light