Thursday, April 12, 2012
Therapy (3) {Time is on my side}
Hot on the heels of Therapy 2 is my third session. The schedule has changed and my sessions are now on Tuesday mornings. This is perfect for me!
Okay, I neglected to mention in the T-2 post that the flower I planted was a lily. It is so beautiful! I haven't gotten another flower yet, in honor of this third session, because I'm torn between another lily or an iris. Thoughts?
So, M.T. opened our session with "How was your Easter?" You all probably asked and answered that same question all week right? And I'm willing to wager your answers sounded something like, "Great!" "Super!"
"Spent it with family. Really enjoyed it." "Hunted eggs. Lot of fun."
My answer? "Miserable."
M.T.'s response? "I thought so."
She knew Easter was riding the coattails of our second session. She explained that my emotions are very raw right now. No fun. But necessary.
What I brought away from the session that I want to pass on to all of you is time. "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven..." Ecclesiastes 3. When the time to cry is upon us, we cannot also expect it to be the time to laugh. When the time to be silent is present, we cannot also be in the time to speak. So is it with the time to heal. When we are healing, we need to expect nothing more from ourselves than healing.
In this present day of quick-service, multi-tasking, instant-gratification we must simply stop and check the time. I wish sometimes that I was in a Harry Potter universe with a wristwatch that said "Cry...Laugh...Born...Die...Embrace...Refrain..." and so on. If we recognized the correct time for each moment, we'd be so blessed. I encourage you to recognize and acknowledge what time it is in your life right now. Ask God to show you and then revel in it.
As I said, for me it is a time to heal. It will always be the time to cook, clean, kiss boo-boos, and carry on the tasks of the day. But knowing that this is a time of healing for me makes it so much easier to know that I am allowed to cry, be exhausted, have a short-temper, be less motivated, and be prone to silence. It also helps me to thank God for this time, knowing that, "He has made everything beautiful in its time."
What time is it for you? And how are you acknowledging it?
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The Fabulous Five

We strive to make memories that will always lead us into the Light
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