Friday, August 27, 2010

Confessions of a Middle-Aged Housewife

I just want to spill...

Sometimes, instead of folding the mountain of laundry that just keeps getting bigger, I stuff it into trash bags and then stuff the trash bags in closets or under beds until I am no longer overwhelmed and can get to them, one bag at a time.

Sometimes, I don't want to listen to my kids read to me or talk to me or recap their favorite television shows. On those occasions, I "listen" by looking at them, smiling, and completely tuning them out. However, there are times when I can't even do that so I just tell them to stop talking.

Sometimes, I wish I was sick with a raging fever and disgusting vomit just so I have an excuse to go to bed undisturbed for a few days.

Sometimes, I wake up on Sunday morning and wish I didn't have to go to church. I want to sleep late and have no obligations just one day in the week!

Sometimes, I buy a few luxury food-items at the grocery store that I love and then hide them from the rest of the family so I can have them all to myself. If anyone sees me eating one of these treats and they want a bite, I'm not even nice about saying, "Nope. This is Mommy's."

Sometimes, I pretend to be going to the bathroom so I can have an excuse to be in a room alone with the door locked for five consecutive minutes. Sometimes, I even take one of those luxury treats in there with me. And a book. And sometimes also a pillow.

Sometimes, I want a nap so bad that I tell the seven year old to watch the four and three year olds while I lay down for awhile.

Sometimes, I tell people I will pray for them and then totally forget until days later. And sometimes, even then, I put it on the 'back burner'.

Sometimes, I cry for no reason. Sometimes, I laugh for no reason. Sometimes, I wish everyone would leave me alone. Sometimes, I wish my husband would pay more attention to me. Sometimes, I wish I had more money.

Sometimes, I'm actually content.

Aaaaah. I feel better!


lisa b said...

Oh, girl.

If you only knew my own list of "sometimes."

In fact, you've inspired me. When I finish my Eat, Pray, Love series, I'm going to post my own "Sometimes."

Hold me accountable, OK?

Unknown said...

Well......sometimes, I say I'll hold someone accountable and then I don't. Ha! ;)

Warren Baldwin said...

Hi Kim, just talked to Mark about his book. I'm excited it's coming along. Said he has a few changes to make and then it will be ready.

My wife (mother of 3 also) could sure relate to this post. Who would have thought that 'cyber-venting' could help us feel so much better!

Do you know my daughter Jenny at Harding? I just did a post about her and her brother on Family Fountain if you get a chance to check it out. wb

The Fabulous Five

The Fabulous Five
We strive to make memories that will always lead us into the Light