Monday, August 23, 2010

The Differences

Why is it so hard to keep up with a blog? I always promise I'll stay faithful to writing...and then I don't. So, I promise again...and then I don't. ARGH!

Part of it is the fact that I don't feel like I have a lot to say. Shocking, right? But it's true. Think about it. My days are so alike. I could write what I did one day; then for the next day, just copy and paste from the day before. At least, that's what I imagine. Actually, there are little differences here and there...and I'm determined to log those differences and find meaning in them!

Today...well, I argued with Maggie about the importance of brushing her hair...again. I know, I know, she just brushed it yesterday! I'm so mean for making this an everyday chore! What else....I let the boys dress themselves even though I knew we'd be out in public later. It's okay to wear your clothes least they're decent!

Oh, here's something different! Mark came home for lunch today. That almost never happens. Although I didn't clue in on this being a major moment for our day, I think it was. If I'd been alone at lunch today, I would've been tempted to not eat. Mark's been encouraging me to eat three whole meals a day but it's hard to do when I'm so tired all the time. However, because he came home, I ate. And because I ate, I had a burst of energy in the afternoon just when I needed it.

Another difference was a visit from a dear friend. Sharon came over today and brought treasures for all of us. She's so thoughtful. For the children, she brought colors (is there anything better than brand new crayons?!) and sticker books. For us, she brought three different flavors of truffles....yum!! She pampers me. A visit from her is a balm for the bored and weary soul.

I saw another sweet friend when picking Maggie up from school. We haven't seen each other in ages and just to hug her and see her smile was worth the effort of maneuvering through after-school traffic.

So, when someone asks me what I did today, I think I'll clue in on the differences instead of the "oh, the same old thing" attitude. Yes, I got up, started the laundry, started the dishwasher, folded clothes, caught up on email, played on facebook, went to the Chiropractor, picked Maggie up from school, helped her with her homework, bathed the kids, helped them with their chores, made supper and then crashed in the living room with the remaining laundry needing to be folded. Just like every other day.

Oh. But there was one more difference. I recommitted to being faithful to my blog. And I really will this time!

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The Fabulous Five

The Fabulous Five
We strive to make memories that will always lead us into the Light