Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Minute in the Life of My Mind...

Here's an example of what goes on in my head most of the time...

I'm hungry. I'm fat. Where's that sock? How can socks go missing? Do they change colors slightly so they look like they don't match? I'm hungry. I'm so tired. I wonder how much a maid would cost. Do we need milk? Hope Maggie's having a good day at school. Lord, be with Maggie. Oh, why do I have mirrors in this house? I'm so fat. I need to get my hair redone soon. The boys' room is a disaster. Do we have leftover pizza? Lord, be with Mark at work. Need to go to Wal-Mart. Grocery money? Hmmm...check with Mark on cash situation. What are the kids going to be for Halloween? Should call Mom. Lord, be with Mom. I need to get organized. Wonder what it would be like to have one eye and two noses. Hmm. Oh, remember that girl with the extra finger? Gross. Probably a nice girl. Lord, please make me un-stupid. How can I bribe the kids to do their chores? What should I make for supper? Did I already iron Mark's shirts? What is that smell? Goodness! Lord, be with Luke's tummy! I'm so fat. How can I be 36 and still have zits? Want to a minute. First...where's that sock? Why am I always missing a sock? What will supper be? Need to go to Wal-Mart. Is that a Library book? Hmmm. Wonder when it was due. Wish "Vampire Diaries" would come on. Why are vampires sexy? Is it the fangs? The brooding unavailability? Not the blood. Well...maybe the blood. Lord, I'm sorry I'm a freak. Mark's teeth have a hidden fang-like quality. That's nice. His nose is nice too. Lord, thanks for making Mark hot. That guy on "Vampire Diaries" is hot too. But his eyes are weird. Can you be hot with weird eyes? Lord, thanks for making Mark think I'm hot. Can you be hot and fat? That's strange. I guess hotness isn't perfection. What in the world am I going to make for supper? Again with that smell! Is it food in someone's room? What's that white thing over there? Oh! The sock!! Lord, thanks for the missing sock.

And, that's about 60 seconds of my brain-life. For anyone out there may have wondered.


Karen (Garrett) Sneed said...

Kim, I just love you - and I love the way you write - I also love the way you think!!! I've probably had every one of those thoughts - all in one day too! (well, maybe not the vampire thing - personally, I think the wolf is sexier!)

Sherron McMillan said...

Kim! I knew you were my lost twin! My brain races around in circles that way, I love sprinkled prayers! I love vampires, too - we are twisted individuals! Love ya

Unknown said...

Thanks, Ladies! Wolves, vampires, same attraction...rugged unavailability with promised brooding and vulnerability. :) In other words, sexy. Ha!

The Fabulous Five

The Fabulous Five
We strive to make memories that will always lead us into the Light