Something occurred to me yesterday. I'm not throwing myself a pity-party; and I don't want anyone else to either. When I began having flashbacks, etc, a few weeks ago, I did allow myself a "why me" moment. But just a moment.
Sexual abuse is disgusting. It's poisonous. It can seep through to the heart and corrupt and distort and tarnish the abused's life. If allowed. If not dealt with. If the spine doesn't perk up and kick the fear out. Sexual abuse is not to be talked about lightly or flippantly so I hope none of you take this as some kind of gloss-over. Simply sharing the journey and this is what's hit me now.
It just occurred to me that so many abuse victims don't share their stories because, when we do, we get "that look." The eyes of the ones listening see us and say, "You poor dear." Well, the pity is needed...for a moment. Then healing must take its place. Allow us to be strong. Allow us to say, "Yes, I was abused. It was disgusting. I was violated. I'm not alone. It happens every day. It's a big deal and I'm dealing with it big; but it's not going to break me."
Pity me not...just journey with me. This is a post-on-the-fly...I'm in a hurry. My hubby, kids, and in-laws are waiting for me so we can go out to eat. I just had to share this thought in tribute to all the trauma victims out there who are past the pity-party and on to the healing! Be strong, my friends! And for those of you who just beginning this journey or considering this journey to healing, ALLOW the pity-party to wash over you. ALLOW the tears to come! ALLOW the yelling and fit-throwing. And let me know when it's over. I'll help you pack up your party-supplies and get your life back. I love you! You are loved! Say it! Believe it!
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