Monday, January 3, 2011

And so it begins...

Well, Bloggers, I've committed to losing weight and getting healthy. And that's as far as it's gone. We got home from our holiday travels yesterday evening and I honestly planned to hit the ground running, literally, this morning. I have the sinus flu but being skinny is more important than breathing, right? Mark left for a four-day trip to Colorado at around 4:30 this morning. Maggie started back to school this morning. The boys are a little fussy...I need to detox them from the holiday routine and junk-food extravaganza they've experienced. But...I still need to exercise!!

I put on the cutest work-out outfit. I looked adorable. Fat, but adorable. I stepped outside...BRRRR! 20 degrees?! Are you kidding me? Hmmm. I took Maggie to school, thinking it would warm up as the sun began to rise. It didn't. I got home and took off my cute work-out outfit. I put on my sloppy clothes and began my housework. I got new sheets for Christmas so I thrilled in making my bed. I made the boys breakfast (pouring milk in their cereal constitutes "making"). I walked in the den....

The Elliptical stood their mocking me. It jeered at me as if to say, "It's not 20 degrees in your house. I'm right here. USE ME!!" It's a bossy little thing. I ignored it. After all, I'm not even wearing my cute work-out outfit anymore. Who likes working out in sloppy house-work clothes? AND, I am barefoot! Can you do the Elliptical barefoot?


Yes, you can.

Yes, I can.

And I will. Hold on...I'll be right back. Okay (she said, panting) I did it! I did 2 minutes and 30 seconds on the Elliptical!

This may sound like a really wimpy beginning to the exercise plan. Perhaps I should let you in on my current health situation. My adrenal glands shut down about the middle of last year and I developed severe anemia (chicken or the egg... we don't know which came first actually...adrenal failure or anemia). 2 minutes on the Elliptical has been but a dream for me. I not only did 2 minutes (and 30 seconds!) but I didn't faint!! Woo-Hoo!

What have you done today? Even if it's just a little bit, please share it with me. We can all use the encouragement! Tune in tomorrow to see if I extend the 2 minutes at all. Pray for me as I will for you! Bloggers, we can DO this!!


Another day in the life of Beau Hart :) said...

Great job Aunt Kim! I also got up this morning and walked 30 minutes on my treadmill while praying to God, it was great. Then I had a bowl of oatmeal. I usually make two servings just for me but this morning I only made 1 serving. Off to a great start, I just hope I can keep it up, you too :)

lisa b said...

This is what I've done today:

1. Too much facebook via iPhone.
2. Four loads of laundry (including incredibly stinky BOY laundry that probably should've just been burned)
3. Ate a great lunch of burritos made from homemade beans (all the way from soaking them when they were dry) and cheddar cheese and salsa.
4. Ate four chocolate chip cookies plus 1 cookie's worth of the dough.
5. Washed about 3/4 of the pots and pans and stoneware that needed to be done. I'm tired of dealing with it so the rest is just sitting in there still.

Plus, I realized that my kitchen broom is missing. How in the world can a kitchen broom go missing? I don't have an answer for that. Oh yeah -- I also vacuumed with what is possibly the world's loudest and most ineffective vacuum cleaner.

Sigh. That's about how most of my days at home go. I get quite a bit done, but there's always more. I eat some healthy food and then squash the intention with cookies or pop-tarts or chips or something.

Life is complicated. I'm trying to figure out how to give myself enough grace to allow for my humanity without becoming (or rather staying) a total slob in the process.

I love you! See you on Wednesday!

Craig said...

don't know if this counts as encouragement, but you beat me by a good 2 1/2 minutes. I laid in bed & played with my iPhone all day.

Way to go Kim! Thanks for encouraging us!!

The Fabulous Five

The Fabulous Five
We strive to make memories that will always lead us into the Light