Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Stripes Again

With the whole world going "Retro" and bringing back things like neon green, disco style platforms, and stonewashed denim well, I have a question. Why are prisoners still wearing those awful jumpsuits? Why don't they go retro as well? I miss the black and white stripes! Oh, and the little caps too! Wouldn't they look so cute in that old outfit? Just a thought.


Ashley said...

you're so silly! but yes, that would be kinda cool to see them in those suits.

Matt said...

Hey, and if they wore chains. Lets bring back chain gangs too and then they could sing it would be like "O' Brother Where Art Thou" That would be sweet.

Kris n Brit said...

I believe in the Jones County jain they still do.

Kris n Brit said...

Sorry, I was holding a baby at the same time...what I meant to say was...I believe in the Jones County Jail they still do.

Eddie said...

Hey, Brit's right. Jones County still has the black and white suits, but sorry matt, no ball and chain.

The Fabulous Five

The Fabulous Five
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