As we begin this blogging adventure, our family is living in Searcy, Arkansas. Mark works as an Admissions Advisor at Harding University; Kim is home with the three little 'uns; Maggie is four years old and busy in school, piano, and dance; Phoenix is two and is busy with Hotwheels, and mischief; Luke is one and is simply busy.
We run a carepackage business on the side called Sweet Home Delivery and it keeps our creative sides satisfied (check out the site and order a package!!). We miss everyone back home (in Texas and Iowa) but are faithfully making a home for ourselves here in Byson territory. We attend Westside Church of Christ and are LOVING it.
Let's do we not make this information boring? We could share all the mundane trivialities of parenting...vomit, poop, broken dishes. Or, we could tell you all about getting no sleep and watching Dora the Explorer marathons. But, for this blog moment, we'll share with you the MANE event from Saturday and today (Wednesday).
Kim had been really getting bored with her hair lately. You know how she is...before getting married and "settling down", she'd colored her hair like it was her own personal coloring book. But, since wifedom and mommyhood took over, she's been content to get it highlighted and leave it at that. Until Saturday. She was just really bored with it and wanted to do something...the problem is, we don't have a lot of spare cash right now (who does?) and she felt guilty paying someone to "play" with her hair. So, she bought a three dollar box of blonde at Wal-Mart and we both "had a hand in" what happened next. We read the directions on the box and they certainly seemed simple enough...seemed simple...
Kim's hair is a lovely shade of tangerine now. We really like it. It's certainly not boring...or at least, we thought it wasn't. Today, however, Kim looked at her hair in the mirror and decided that coloring it just didn't do the trick. She wanted a CHANGE (tangerine is obviously just so "everybody-does-it"). So, having just gotten out of the shower and towel dried her hair, she promptly went for the scissors. Yes. She chopped it off. With no way of seeing the back and getting things even, she just whacked away. She called Mark at work and told him she'd done something crazy. When he got home he had visions of Sinead O'Conner in his mind. Determined to tell her she was beautiful (no matter what) he stepped into the house and...surprise!
Mark actually thinks it's cute! Kim is glad it's at least different.
Well, that's as dramatic as it gets around here. We'd love to hear from everyone!
Welcome to the blogsphere. Glad to hear all is going well Mark you are the man gonna tell your wife that the O'Connor look was beautiful I probably would do the same but I am still impressed. We are all finally well. Have a Super Day.
Hurray for your foray into bloggerspace!
The only way I can keep up with blogs is Google reader, thought I would pass on this handy tool:
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