If I had a nickel for every New Year I resolved to get more organized, more disciplined, more involved, more...more....MORE!...well, I'd be a nickelaire. But THIS year, it's different. If I had a nickel for every time I said THAT, I'd still be a nickelaire. There's a pattern. And there's always a really good reason for sliding on the resolutions. I'm sick. Seriously, I have Lupus. I mean, that takes more energy than I knew I had. My kids are active. Seriously, they have so much going on that it's impossible to set goals for myself. Something. Seriously, there's just always something.
When I was younger, I watched my mom. I watched but didn't take notes, like I should have. This woman, mother of six, wife of manual laborer/elder of church...this icon of motherhood. She did it. She took care of the house all by herself. I don't remember ever helping. She attended all of our school events. She had supper on the table when Daddy got home. She hummed while she worked and she made work look easy. She was up before us and in bed after us. She didn't complain. She lived her life as if she was exactly where she was supposed to be, doing exactly what she was supposed to be doing. She took pride in her "job" as wife and mother.
I somehow missed the secret to all of this. I complain all the time. Dishes? Ugh. Again? What do you mean we're out of towels? I washed some...oh, a week ago. Food? You people eat constantly! Why is there (fill in blank here) all over the floor?
I harp. Pick up your stuff. Make your beds. Finish your food. Stop snorting at the table. Stop! No! Because! No, again!
I brag. See? Did you see the top of the pantry. Yeah, I dusted it. Did you notice that the crock pots are no longer sitting out? I put them away. Has anyone noticed their abundance of clean underwear in their drawers? Yeah, that was MAMA. Notice!!! You think putting all these fish sticks in neat rows on the cookie-sheet is easy?! Ha!!
So, I decided to be a better wife and mother this year. That's all. None of this losing weight business. Nope, not going to worry about diet and exercise or about writing cards or showering more often or doing less FaceBook or calling my family more often or all of those nickel-making resolutions. Just a better wife and mother.
Of course, being a better wife and mother will entail all of those above-said resolutions. But instead of pressuring myself with the details, I've decided to simply try every day to be more like my mama. Happy. Productive. Involved. Happy. Helpful. Serving. Did I mention happy?
I really do love being a mom and wife. I love the housekeeper thing. I've just let illness and procrastination sully it all for me. But no more. At least....not for today.
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