Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Joy in All Things

Our little family has decided to study the fruits of the Spirit very slowly and closely. We're going in order. April we studied Love and May we're studying Joy. I told the children this morning as we were getting ready for our day that we need to find a way to see Joy in every situation!

Soon after that instruction, Maggie turned to me and said, "Mama, is my neck red? Because it itches!" Red? Good grief, it was a rash from chin to bellybutton. I told her we'd talk to her school nurse and see if there was anything she could tell us about recent activities at school, etc.

The dog had gotten out of the yard and wouldn't come when the kids called. We were pretty close to being on time but any doggy shenanigans would put us behind. I told the kids to go in the house and finish getting ready while I got the dog in. The stupid dog.

She'd sit very still until I got to her and then she'd leap in the air and run to another yard. We did this way too long, four yards worth, and I must admit I was getting way past angry. Stupid, stupid dog!! I was dressed, wearing nice shoes, hair up, pearl necklace on, and I was treading through muddy yards yelling at a dog. Joy.

I finally gave up and walked into the house. I looked down as I was closing the door and she was right behind me. She just sweetly followed me in like everything was fine. ARGH!

The kids had been watching the commotion from the window instead of getting ready. I had to rush to get shoes on kids, backpacks, jackets, and shoo everyone out the door.

The school nurse said I should take Maggie to the doctor; she was already late for school and it would be fine if she just went ahead and missed today. So, I took the boys to school, called the doctor, and just drove right over to be worked in. Allergies. Something topical, bla bla bla.

So, she felt fine and I could've sent her to school anyway, but here I had a doctor's note saying she was excused for how ever long it took to get rid of the rash, if she chose to stay home during the rash.

I had to go buy milk, get her medicine (which cost way more than we'd budgeted for the month's medicine), and also had to go to the library to return books. I didn't expect to have an eight-year-old in tow as I ran my errands.


I heard the word in my head as clear as if it had been spoken aloud. Hadn't I been praying for more opportunities to spend time with Maggie? The boys demand so much attention that I don't often have any time to give Maggie other than, "Take a bath," "clean your room," "do your homework," etc...

Joy, indeed! We took our time at the store and even more time at the library. We laughed like schoolgirls (well, she IS a schoolgirl) and snacked mid-morning (how very rebellious of us!).

We got Maisy (the stupid dog) a toy, in hopes of luring her to the door next time she got out of the yard. It has worked so far!!

What a day of joy this has already been...and it's not even noon!

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The Fabulous Five

The Fabulous Five
We strive to make memories that will always lead us into the Light