Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Have a Holly Vomit Christmas

Christmas in Texas...Ho Ho Howdy!! Mark and I got to spend time here with my family...and his parents made the drive from Iowa to spend Christmas here too! We had all the ingredients for a terrific holiday: homemade food, too many gifts, air mattresses and made out couches, lit tree, and the stomach flu. Yep, almost every member of the family was puking their guts up Christmas Eve or a few days after. Nothing like a high fever to make your eyes bright on Christmas morning.
Maggie couldn't stand up by herself to open her gifts, so she lay in my lap while I opened them for her. Then, after she almost fainted, we got her relaxed and down for a nap. When she woke up, we had Christmas all over again because she had no memory of the first round.
We feel great now and the kids are all ecstatic over their new toys and books. I love that the kids like to get books as gifts. :) Excellent!
Well, I'd better go to Target and see if there's anything left on the sale racks. Please tell me about your Christmas!!

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The Fabulous Five

The Fabulous Five
We strive to make memories that will always lead us into the Light