Friday, June 6, 2008

But, It's a Good Tired...

I'm so tired! But, it's a good tired. Today ends my first week back at college...I'm a Junior! Can you believe it? A 34 year old Junior! And, I'm loving it. Mark and the kids are being very helpful and supportive so I really have no excuse NOT to do well in this class. It's British Romantic Poetry...Mark says, "Well, I guess someone has to like that stuff. Better you than me." Ha! I DO like it! Ah, Wordsworth...which is who my first test is over on Monday. I plan to drown myself in his work all weekend so as to be prepared for the essay-style exam. It's been so long since I've done this...and I didn't have three kids the last time.
I was sitting at the table reading last night (so much reading!) and I found that my mind is tired in the evenings and it helps to read some of the poetry out I did. Maggie likes to do her "homework" with me, so she sat beside me with her colors and coloring book. When I finished reading "Lines...from Tintern Abbey" (it's beautiful), Maggie said, "Mama! That was a lovely story!" Sweet five year old...appreciating William Wordsworth!
Well, on a different subject, how's my dieting, you ask? I was challenged today. My friend Sharon wanted to take the kids and me to McDonald's (the treat is they play while we visit) and I gladly went (the kids have been cooped up in the house because I am always studying these they deserved it!) only to find the place soooo tempting! I knew we were going so, last night, I looked on the McDonald's website and found that their lowest-fat items were the Caesar salad with low-fat Italian dressing...which is what I ordered (with water, of course). Then, I had to split the boys' fries and chicken nuggets...getting the salt and grease and yummy stuff all over my fingers....ooooooh, it smelled so good!!!!! I wanted to lick my fingers shamelessly, but I refrained. Instead, I wiped off my hands and dove into my salad. It was worth it. For the first time (maybe ever) I left McDonald's feeling much the same as I had entered...except not hungry anymore. I did NOT feel grease-laden, gross, heavy, guilty, or lethargic. Woo-Hoo!
(And, did I mention I've lost a pound this week?)

1 comment:

Another day in the life of Beau Hart :) said...

Congrats, Kim! (On all accounts) that's great :) Well, I've done poorly for the contest. But, I've remotivated myself and am going to continue on. That's cool about school, too. I'm also thinking about going to college and majoring in English, yikes, ha!

The Fabulous Five

The Fabulous Five
We strive to make memories that will always lead us into the Light