Maggie is so addicted to sugar. We thought she was like most children and just really liked sweets. Then we thought she just had an intense sweet-tooth. Now we know. She's addicted. I cut back her sugar and she was almost impossible to live with. I couldn't take her off of it cold-turkey because she literally had headaches and screaming fits. Now, I'm not blind...I realize that part of it is just being spoiled. Part, however, is a real, physical craving for sugar. She will do anything for it.
She's doing so much better. Only three or four sweets a day...and this is a lot better than it's been. Any advice? Please be praying for us! Thanks.
Can she have some grapes? A wonderful snack for kids. I will pay anything for grapes b/c I feel so much better about giving them to the girls. Not too many at first, though...
Also, you can make "fruit leather" by pureeing strawberries, spreading them on a flat pan, and baking them at 200 degrees for 8 hours (overnight). I have a theory you could do this with unsweetened applesauce but I have never tried it. If you start working in the natural sugar snacks, and phasing the candy down to once a day, then once every 2 days, etc., you might eventually have a better thing going on. I know she has had a problem with fruit in the past, so you might talk to your doctor about the best way to introduce more fruit into her diet. I am suggesting fruit because maybe switching to the natural sugars will help with her cravings and provide a healthy alternative.
Also, what about one chocolate milk a day? But make it with Ovaltine or Instant Breakfast. That is a treat, but not a high sugar treat.
I bet that she is more addicted to high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar, so if you just focus on getting all the HFCS products out of your house, that might be the best solution.
I just read alot of health related articles, I am not a health professional, so talk to your doctor or better yet, ask your doctor for a referral to a nutrionist. Nutritional science really hasn't changed in the past 50 years - people just aren't that aware of it. It's great!
Okay, hope that helped!
How about sugar free stuff, like hard candy and sugar free pudding, Cassidy and JD had the same problem, but we just cut out sugar completly, but used spelenda in it's place and they did so much better with it. I agree the other comment, fruit is great and my kids love thier fruit and VEGGIES! Wow Did I luck out or what! Also, you can try the pedisure nutritian drinks and fruit bars, Cassidy lost like 10 lbs when she got sick a few months ago and they are low on sugar and high on vitiams and help gain weight if you need that. Hope this helps, Michelle Cudd
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