Monday, March 10, 2008

When It Rains...

...It pours! So, as we're bustling about making arrangements for the upcoming surgery, both boys have gotten sick. We took Phoenix and Luke to see the doctor today and Phoenix has severe chest congestion and a right ear infection. Luke has a double ear infection. They are both watching "Dora" in the living room right now. I'm exhausted (as always), have my flu-like symptoms, and a migraine, and so I can't really do much for either of them; but Mom's here saving the day! I'm so glad she's here.
Also, my friend Shannon called and said she just happened to have extra ingredients when making a quiche and so she thought she'd make us one for supper tonight. How thoughtful! Then, Rita called. Rita is a woman we go to church with and who teaches at Maggie's school. She's been kind enough to pick Maggie up for school on several occasions when Mark's out of town or has to be at work early and I've been too sick to drive. Rita called to say that, because of the upcoming surgery, she's arranged for Maggie to attend, not only her regular Tuesday/Thursday classes at school, but also Wednesday and Friday at no extra charge; she will pick Maggie up and bring her home each day for us; oh, and her mother has "dibs on Wednesday", meaning her mother is cooking us supper for Wednesday night so Mom can just concentrate on taking care of me after the surgery.
Rita also said she would coordinate more meals to be coming to our home during my recovery. And then there's Sharon Plummer, who you've surely all heard me talk about. She's available to help with whatever we need, be it food, babysitting, or Kim-sitting, whatever!
When it rains, God pours blessings all over us!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I think that it is amazing that you have such wonderful people there with you. You are for sure missed here in Texas though. I am praying for you!! Love you bunches Aunt Kim!!

~Ashley :)

The Fabulous Five

The Fabulous Five
We strive to make memories that will always lead us into the Light